August 1, 2007


I’ve had a terrible time with insomnia this week, not getting to sleep before the sun rises and napping through the day trying to rejuvenate then dragging myself up just in time for when Rory finishes work. So needless to say that it has been a very uneventful week besides visitors flying out last night.

The negativity and irrational thoughts really set in when not getting enough sleep over a period of time, so have been trying to deal with that and telling myself that it is only the lack of sleep and not buying into the negativity, but still have been feeling depressed. Finally got a good nights sleep last night with a solid seven hours, I feel partially human today.

I have always suffered with insomnia, it can take me hours to fall asleep, but luckily once I am asleep I am out for the count. I really feel for the sufferers that have broken sleep on a regular basis, I think that would be much worse.

It has been raining constantly for nearly two weeks now, which is great for the dams, but I don’t think it helps the depressed feeling

2 Responses to “Insomnia….Grrrr”

  1. Robert on August 2nd, 2007 12:09 am

    Hi Ruby!

    No insomnia here! The opposite, in fact - can’t get enough time to get things done & when I get to bed, I’m totally unconscious in about 30 secs. (Not so good for my love life, though!)

    No rain here! Wall-to-wall sunshine. SUCH a change from the last 2 months. Enjoying it, ‘cos it might not last!

    Shit might be happening all around you, but you have got to grateful for the good things. Yes, I’m in positive thinking mode…


  2. Ruby on August 3rd, 2007 3:54 am

    Oh you lucky thing, it would be heaven to fall asleep so quickly.

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