July 29, 2007

Another Birthday Gone

Another year has passed, and now I’m 46. Had a lovely time with Rory, Chloe and her boyfriend, we had a gourmet meat and cheese platter (my all time favourite) at Chloe’s house. Funny how birthdays mean less and less as time goes on, except the time spent with family.

I have made a resolution to start exercising regularly in some form or another, I have DVD’s that I enjoy working out to, and I want to do some more walking - once the rain lets up. I have to really get stuck into this as I am putting on too much weight sitting around the house, and Chloe is getting concerned that I wont be around to see her kids (when she has them) grow up. She also wants me to give up smoking, but I don’t think that will be happening any time soon, its the only vice I have ;)

Another birthday gone…..I hope the next one I will be less agoraphobic.

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