August 16, 2007

Sick With The Flu

My mobile phone is broken, it has been playing up for a while not receiving text messages and missed call alerts randomly, now it has gotten much worse. I am not a big user mainly so the kids can reach me, but it is now being missed that I can only receive and make calls which as we all know costs a lot more than texting. Not that the kids notice it much as they use their mobiles as an extension of their arms anyway ;)

Chloe is just getting over her flu and chest infection after three weeks, she has been so sick poor girl, but is finally getting better.
Then Rory started having a sore throat and getting a chest infection a few days ago.
Now I am the lucky owner of it. I hate the flu, but what I hate even more is the non-stop coughing which continuously wakes me during the night, its like I’m sleeping in blocks of between 2-4 hours, so for now I’m just going to concentrate on getting better.

I was going to restart attending the GROW group on Monday now that they have relocated, I spoke to them on Sunday to advice that I would be there in the morning but that didn’t happen with the onset of the flu.

On the bright side Rory has bought his first car, and he is proud as punch, all he needs to do now is to sit for his license so he can drive it on his own.

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