November 18, 2011

Another Year Has Flown By

Wow, I cannot believe it has been over a year since I posted here, it has been a very busy year !!

About the time of my last post I was considering moving to be closer to my mum, who has early onset dementia. That was a major consideration due living in government housing, and could I afford to rent privately if I got ill again???? At the end of October I decided to bite the bullet as I couldn't help out being 4 hours drive away. I had lived in this town 11 years ago, so knew some people as well as having contacts for work. At the end of November I made the move, with all the rush of packing and organising everything I had no time for being worried about the outcome, the decision had been made now so all I could do was make the best of it.

I started work in my field of Aged Care 3 days after arriving, yea I know, wow!!!! what a roller coaster ride it all was, but was the only way I could manage financially. Had the kitchen all unpacked on the first day (thanks to my sis) the rest took about six weeks. I was really enjoying work though I was very tired, got to spend lots of time with mum and dad which was great.

By the third month I had hurt my back, and to my surprise found out I had Osteo Arthritis..yay! that was all I needed, little did I know there would be a few more things I wouldn't need coming along. Luckily I have the attitude of accepting what comes along and deal with the best way possible. It was around this time the owners of the house were thinking about putting the house on the market (after giving me a six month lease and the promise of another 2 years after that). The stress was starting to build I can tell you!!!! I started browsing the rental lists again knowing I had three months to find something, I finally found something suitable and had to move myself (with lots of help from a great friend) While I was browsing the rental list I started working in the disability field which was what I first trained in, and loved being back - didn't realise how much I had missed it.
My daughter decided to move overseas for a year, I am really pleased for her, but I do miss her and can't wait till she returns.

Had a few small dramas with my back but it was manageable, within three months I was asked to step up to a office relief position which I was thrilled about, but really scared, I was qualified to do this role but had never done it previously. What a learning curve!!!!! All while still trying to fit in assisting mum and dad.

I must say here, that as much as there were stresses and a lack of time and learning a new role, I hadn't been that happy in a long long time - and to top it all off NOT ONE PANIC ATTACK - no one was more surprised than me.

A couple of months ago I found out I have high blood pressure, I was a bit shocked, but not surprised with all the stress of the year and the many years prior with agoraphobia, so yet another learning curve in change of lifestyle. Oh forgot to mention that I also faced turning half a century! the age part doesn't really bother me, but obviously my body thinks differently to my mind lol

Then came the last and biggest surprise came about a month ago, dad had an operation for cancer so I spent a lot of my spare time with mum during this time as well. Unfortunately the cancer spread, so chemo is next on the list with a good chance of getting it all....fingers crossed.

Last weekend I ended up going to emergency not knowing what was wrong with me....yep...a panic attack, no real surprises there, but I was surprised at how I didn't remember how bad they were after having them daily for nearly four years...bloody amazing I think. I am still on my medication, and my doc believes I will probably always need to stay on them, I am not sure how that will go, but I am happy to stay on them for now. I was fine the next day and with dad having been home from hospital for a week, I could allow myself to have some nice periods of rest.

 Last week I started my fourth holiday relief in the office and am slowly getting the hang of it, and loving it.

Can't forget to mention that menopause has dwindled down to almost nothing and that makes me very happy.

I must say a BIG thank you to those who have stayed by my side through these years, I know it must have been difficult and very repetitive. I love you dearly.

I can't say I am on top of the world, but it is still a nice view on the trek up :)

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