January 15, 2010

Gallstones Update

It is nearly a month since I last posted, I promised myself I was going to be more regular after moving to blogspot! I came on to write a post and ended up spending a couple of hours reading everyone else's new posts, now I'm all blogged out :)

I had a lovely time over Christmas with all the family, though healthwise it was a disaster. After not being able to eat after the gallbladder attack before Christmas I took myself to the doc's, had to see my docs offsider, and he wrongly diagnosed me with a bowel obstruction and not to eat anything till it cleared. So having trust in the medico I survived only on water for 2 weeks!! and everything the chemist could suggest to help things along, I was still not hungry so that was not an issue and I felt great, but the worry of what it was doing to my body was raising my anxiety levels.

Had to wait till January 4 to see my doc as everything was closed down for the holidays, by this time hypochondria had starting setting in and I was dying with all sorts of illnesses. He was very angry to say the least, it was my gall stones that had caused the attack like I originally thought, so back on food again, but even now I am still eating very limited, don't really feel hungry but make myself have 4-5 snacks through the day. Had to have another ultra sound, my one gallstone has now multiplied into 2 large ones and one small one, will have more tests in February then it will be surgery to have it removed.

I never wanted to have it removed, as I believe it is needed for the body to function well, but after the last attack I can't wait to have it taken out, never want to go through that pain again, give me childbirth any day!


diver said...

Hi Ruby. A Chinese traditional medicine doctor once told me that stones are psychosomatic, a sort-of concentrated manifestation of deep seated and misunderstood fear. I didn't believe him until I had a kidney stone followed by a saliva duct stone followed by an agoraphobic diagnosis. I'm a believer now!

Robert said...

Like diver, I've had a kidney stone, and I'm told that the pain is worse than childbirth - although I have no first-hand experience of that! Luckily I was able to pass the kidney stone, but if it had required surgery, I would have had it asap!