January 15, 2010

Panic Away & The Linden Method

I still haven't had a full blown panic attack since reading Panic Away (except while waking up in pain, but I don't count that as it wasn't for the normal reasons.) I kept repeating to myself that every symptom I felt was just a feeling, I was the one putting the thought to it and making myself panic, and it has worked up to now.

I always felt all this was out of my control and there was nothing I could do, I could do CBT and other things, but it only ever got me so far. This was something I had control over, what the symptoms were, and that it was me translating them into something they were not.

I also downloaded the Linden method and the one great thing I took from there was how the amygdala - part of the limbic system - processes memory and emotional reactions and sets the anxiety level on past experiences. So I have been going around during my daily tasks talking to my amygdala!!!!

I thought I was crazy before, now I really think I am :-) but it seems to be working, these two methods are moving me along slowly but surely at the moment.

I have gone into more shops (still not shopping centres) and can stay in there longer, I have even managed to do a full shop (not done for two years now) on 3 occasions without even one panic feeling. What is weird though is that my thoughts still try to do the same things saying:- get out quick, you need to get to a safe place, but because I am not paying attention to the symptoms it doesn't go anywhere, and I go back to focusing on the shopping. I am utterly amazed and very happy of course.

I haven't tried anything different yet, like places I haven't been in years like going to a restuarant/cafe, the movies, or even somewhere where I can't bring the car and have to walk. I have proof that it is working, but I still don't trust myself - how totally conditioned we make ourselves. But I am in no hurry, I would rather take it slowly and build up the confidence, than dive in too deep and find I can't swim. It has taken years to get this bad, I don't expect any miracle cures that will fix it all in one swoop.

I haven't told any of my family about all this yet, I am forever building methods up to them only for them to fail a few weeks down the track. So I am going to keep slowly pushing myself until I am ready to surprise them with something. Not sure what yet, but I imagine it would be something like showing up for a weekend lunch at at a cafe.


Robert said...

Good news about your progress! I totally understand why you aren't telling your family just yet. Marie's family, after hearing about various miraculous "cures" all of which didn't last, shows no interest now when she mentions a new therapy.

Robert said...
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diver said...

Hi Ruby. Good luck with the cafe surprise (or whatever). What about the theatre? I saw 'Avatar' in 3D last week and found it SO absorbing and technically amazing that after the lights dimmed I didn't even notice the three hours (!) pass by, nor the hundred or so people crammed in the theatre with me. Agoraphobia, what agoraphobia? I was just too busy being fascinated!

AgoraFobia said...

Hi, I did find your blog very interesting. I'm a woman from Norway and I love to read your blog. I have just bought the PanicAway program, and I was so happy to read how it works for you :-))) I will follow you.