I have ordered Overcomer’s Package for myself as I found that the best value, but they have a variety of CD topics on overcoming anxiety and panic attacks. The Overcomers Package has a book, workbook and a set of CD’s, so I will let you know what I think when I receive it.
5 Responses to “Overcomer’s Package”
Dear Ruby, I hope that you don’t mind but I’d like to nominate you to tell us all 7 ‘weird and random’ facts about yourself. The only condition is that you must link back to me as sender, and choose and link ideally, to seven other people to give up a little frivolous bit of info about themselves. It’s just a bit of fun and a gentle way of networking. Best wishes, Steph
great stuff - cu
Thanks Max
Hope to see you again soon
omer’s Package : Life With Anxiety & Agoraphobia thanks for this post!
Thanks for this post!