July 12, 2007


Well I did have a pause….for over a year where I was just getting spotting, but this week my period came back with a vengeance. I have been in so much pain and I haven’t even been able to walk properly, I was lucky enough to go through life without ever suffering period pains and Chloe said jokingly that it was about time that I knew what everybody else goes through every month :).

They say that menopause is over when its been a year since your last period, so now I have to start counting the months again. I certainly hope that this weeks occurrence wont be happening again, cause the pain and the headaches is horrible. I feel for all of those who suffer every month like this or even worse.

Well back to the pain killers and the hot water bottle.


2 Responses to “Menopause”

  1. Robert on July 16th, 2007 7:12 am

    Hi Ruby!

    From what you’ve said about the way you were being treated in your job, you did the right thing to leave. After all, who needs their self-esteem getting battered every day? Good luck with the search for a new job. At least you know you can cope with employment.

    I too used to be a night owl - still am, sometimes. But I have found that getting up at the same time every day gives me a routine and allows my body clock to function better. Also, I don’t feel guilty about “wasting” precious hours of my life. I still go to bed way too late on occasion, but I always get up to give the kids their breakfast. It’s my incentive to get up at the same time every morning.

    Another thing, I HATE waking up in the middle of the night, so I prefer to go to bed a little late and sleep the night through.

    Three of my 4 adult daughters have REALLY sever period pains. So bad that, without their helpful pills, they wouldn’t be able to work for a couple of days each month. Before getting the pills…absolute agony. Often I’ve watched them, clutching hot water bottles, o/d’ing on painkillers, writhing in pain… You’re lucky that you’ve missed all that. My wife is like you - no pain. A bit grumpy the day before her period starts, that’s all.

    Best wishes


    PS Thought my family problems were sorted, but I was wrong! Stressful times :(

  2. Ruby on July 17th, 2007 11:48 am

    Hi Robert

    Yes me and Marie are definitely the lucky ones as far as PMT goes, hopefully mine will recede next time around.

    I have been starting to get up with Rory in the mornings - 5am, but as you say, its all about a routine and I’m slowing getting into one.

    I said to my boss re leaving my job, that I wouldn’t allow anyone to treat me that way at home, so it certainly wont happen at work. They wanted me to change, but weren’t prepared to speak to her so that we could maybe work it out, so I am glad I decided to leave. I haven’t found anything yet, but I’m sure something will come along, it makes harder having to find something close to home with not having transport.

    Sorry to hear your family problems are still around you Robert, I hope it lessens with time.
    You are in my thoughts.

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