May 28, 2007

I Need Sleep!

I have had such bad sleep patterns in the last few days because of the noisy neighbours and Rory and his mates watching DVD’s till all hours (not that I mind him having fun, it was just bad timing), so I haven’t done anything at all out of the house. I have been feeling fairly low due to the lack of sleep which has in turn brought out the negativeness in me and that is never a good thing, I like to try to be as positive as possible. I went to bed early tonight to get a good sleep before my busy Monday and I got three messages and two phone calls after only two hours of sleep. My phone hardly ever rings, very strange how they all call at the one time. I didn’t answer the calls but it still woke me and now I am having trouble getting back to sleep again.
I was talking to a GROW member over the weekend, and all of a sudden I started going on about how I’m feeling pressured with all the tasks from the psychologist. I feel that I am not getting enough time to get a grasp on each task before starting the next one and I am feeling overwhelmed at walking on my own and am scared that if I don’t meet the tasks she will say that I am not meeting the targets and cancel the appointments like she did a couple of weeks ago. Weird how I didn’t know that was how I was feeling until it came out of my mouth.
I know that it is a government mental health organisation and they are very busy and are behind the eight ball, but am I just wasting their time and mine by attending and not given the time to get better. I will talk to her about this tomorrow at our appointment and see what happens from there.
I have consolidated all my address books and email addresses though, that took a while, there were bits everywhere, so at least something is moving in the right direction.
2 Responses to “I Need Sleep!”
  1. Robert on May 30th, 2007 7:28 am

    Hi Ruby!
    Just a fact that you should not disregard…
    Go at your own speed, listen to your body, visualize positive scenes when you get some quiet time, and it will all come together in due course.
    Best wishes

  2. Ruby on May 30th, 2007 11:07 am

    Hi Robert
    Yes they are only people and everyone is different, I couldn’t make my appointment this week, but I will discuss this with her next week when I see her. This is something I want to do - being able to walk places - I know that I have to bite the bullet, but I need to put some strategies in place in first and start of with baby steps.
    Thanks for your support, its so nice to know I’m not in this alone.

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