There is so much out there in cyberspace and I have wasted lots of time reading rubbish, but occasionally I find something great. I found these helpful or interesting in someway, so here they are:
This site is written by Stephen who is a recovered agoraphobic and now has a masters degree in psychology. He has so much helpful information on his site, as well as a monthly newsletter with recovery techniques, and an e-book, its great to read from someone who knows what recovery is like. Stephen is also going to write a book and his blog for that is Panic Disorder Book Project
Beyond Blue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and post-natal depression. It has a key goal of raising community awareness about depression and reducing stigma associated with the illness.
Centre for Clinical Interventions
Centre for Clinical Interventions has numerous resources and great workbooks related to a variety of mental health issues.
depressioNet has a comprehensive resource of information help and a forum and chat room.
GROW is a community working towards mental health through mutual help and a 12 step recovery program. Small groups of people who have experienced depression, anxiety or other mental or emotional distress, come together on a weekly basis in all Australian states to help each other deal with the challenges of life.
There is also a similar group in the US:
Recovery, Inc.
Life with Agoraphobia Report is by Dr. Joyce Davidson Post-Doctoral Research Fellow from The Institute for Health Research at Lancaster University has been conducting doctoral research on the experience of agoraphobia
and panic in plain english.
Mens Health Site is a great a great site for men covering various health topics.
Mood Gym is an interactive training program with quizzes and workbooks that are saved in your profile.
SANE Australia is a national charity working for a better life for people affected by mental illness through Campaigns, Education and Research.