February 9, 2008


I am not ready to just sit and watch agoraphobia take over my life any more, and have spent many months searching for some good sites that can help me and that talks in plain language.
There is so much out there in cyberspace and I have wasted lots of time reading rubbish, but occasionally I find something great. I found these helpful or interesting in someway, so here they are:

Agoraphobia Resource Center

This site is written by Stephen who is a recovered agoraphobic and now has a masters degree in psychology. He has so much helpful information on his site, as well as a monthly newsletter with recovery techniques, and an e-book, its great to read from someone who knows what recovery is like. Stephen is also going to write a book and his blog for that is Panic Disorder Book Project

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and post-natal depression. It has a key goal of raising community awareness about depression and reducing stigma associated with the illness.

Centre for Clinical Interventions

Centre for Clinical Interventions has numerous resources and great workbooks related to a variety of mental health issues.


depressioNet has a comprehensive resource of information help and a forum and chat room.


GROW is a community working towards mental health through mutual help and a 12 step recovery program. Small groups of people who have experienced depression, anxiety or other mental or emotional distress, come together on a weekly basis in all Australian states to help each other deal with the challenges of life.
There is also a similar group in the US:
Recovery, Inc.

Life with Agoraphobia Report

Life with Agoraphobia Report is by Dr. Joyce Davidson Post-Doctoral Research Fellow from The Institute for Health Research at Lancaster University has been conducting doctoral research on the experience of agoraphobia
and panic in plain english.

Mens Health Site

Mens Health Site is a great a great site for men covering various health topics.

Mood Gym

Mood Gym is an interactive training program with quizzes and workbooks that are saved in your profile.


SANE Australia is a national charity working for a better life for people affected by mental illness through Campaigns, Education and Research.

January 28, 2008

Still Here

I have had a terrible time sleeping lately, it has been so hot that all I have been doing is laying in bed while I am home and hoping to get enough sleep/rest to get me through the next shift at work.

It has been ranging between mid to high 30C degrees daily as well as a few above 40C degrees. If I am still at this job next year I think I may have to invest in an air conditioner. Actually its not so much the cost of the air conditioner as the monthly running costs, but its only for a couple of months I suppose, and sleep is very important.

I will write once I am getting enough sleep to be able to think again.


10 Responses to “I’m Still Here”

  1. Robert on January 30th, 2008 9:45 am

    Hi Ruby!

    Good to hear from you again! I hope that things are going well for you.

    You can have some of the cold, grey, damp weather we’ve got here, if you like! But, actually, I prefer the temperature not to go too much above 20°.

    Best wishes!

  2. coffeecup on February 1st, 2008 11:25 pm

    Hi Ruby, what weather you’re having! It’s horrible here, the wind is howling and it’s trying very hard to snow. Then it pours with rain! Yuck! Cannot get warm at all today.
    Worrying over sleep sure does make it worse. When you’re lying there thinking that you ought to be sleeping, it just causes guilt and more anxiety. I’m awake well into the night all the time, but don’t have the pressure of having to cope at work. It’s hard to battle with panic when you’re very tired too. I emapthise with how you must be feeling. Come to England where it’s freezing! We’re all sruggling to keep warm at night!
    All the best, Steph x

  3. coffeecup on February 22nd, 2008 5:59 am

    Ruby are you okay? Getting a bit worried that you’ve not been around for a while. Hope things are well :-/

  4. shellie on February 25th, 2008 9:29 pm

    I just came accross ur page today, i am so happy to finally read/hear that i am not alone in how i feel, i actually cried. I have been off work for comming up to 7 months with this “anxiety” and just feel lost. i don’t see a light at the end of my tunnel and am so desperate to go back to work even though i still wake up with heart palpatations so strong that my whole body shakes and God forbid i should have an unexpected knock on my door (i can never answer it), i’m too panicy to drive and can’t catch a bus on my own so i walk for miles and miles to anywere i need to go ( i say walk but it’s more like speed walking with headphones and a hat on looking at the floor). i have good days every now and then but mostly bad days, and i can’t even start to tell you about the stress that my work have caused mr from bullying from a manager to witholding pay to not being able to “guarentee” part time hours if i return to work.
    please, were u as bad as me and how long did it take u to see the light?

  5. Grind on March 25th, 2008 11:43 pm

    Hey Ruby,

    Haven’t heard form you in awhile but hoping that all is fine with you and your family.

  6. Mental Health Blog Research Group on March 30th, 2008 9:28 am

    Hello, we are researchers from The College of New Jersey interested in gaining information on the views of authors of mental health blogs. You have received this invitation because you are an author of such a blog. Participation will involve responding to surveys about your mental health and blogging habits. The results are completely confidential. No respondent’s personal identity will be requested or associated with any set of answers. We appreciate your time and help with our study and as a thank you for participating you will be entered into a prize draw. If you are interested or desire further information, please respond to mhblog@tcnj.edu and be sure to include a link to the home page of your blog as well as your preferred contact email address. The survey will be sent to you via email within the next few weeks. Thank you in advance for your participation!

    Mental Health Blog Research Group
    The College of New Jersey

  7. James Collins on April 4th, 2008 11:36 am

    I think your site is great and would like to trade links with you. My site is about my personal fight with agoraphobia. Anyway, great site!

    - James

  8. James Collins on April 14th, 2008 3:21 pm

    I have agoraphobia also and it sucks Ive had it for 3 years now and it doesnt seem to be lightening up anytime soon.


  9. Phoenix on April 29th, 2008 11:26 am

    I just clicked on to this site out of curiousity and I read a little bit. I suffered from panic attacks and agoraphobia when I was 16. I continued to suffer through them until I was diagnosed with brain cancer in 1998. I have long since recovered and I am writing a book about how I survived brain cancer, the foster care system and a couple of drunk husbands and finally a bad assualt on me before my diagnosis. I am hoping that a lot of people will read my book and learn how depression ties into anxiety attacks. I will be visiting this site again soon.

  10. Sarah on August 15th, 2008 2:39 pm

    How are you doing there?


January 6, 2008


Well its 2008 and I have plans of having a more positive year in various areas;

Number one is doing some social things to get me out of the house to meet some people, I haven't decided what yet, but I will have a look around in the local paper to find what is going on. I feel like I can face people now that I have at least something to talk about - work - cause I haven't done anything else worth talking about, and I am sure they don't want to hear about my Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks :)

I also want to spend some time and money in redecorating my house, I have made a small start where I have painted a feature wall, I want to paint the kitchen as well, have a new fridge and freezer on layby, and the next on the list is a new bedroom suite for me.

I also want to get back into part time study, still deciding between adding to my computer certificates or to add to my Diploma in Welfare & Disabilites, or maybe something just for fun, I will see whats on offer when the new courses are listed at the end of January.

I beleive doing the above things will automatically help with my Agoraphobia, so recovering further goes without saying.

The Holidays Are Over

I had a great Christmas, me Chloe and Rory went to my parents house 4 1/2 hours away and spent a few days there. Both my sisters and their families came as well, so it was a great catch up time for us all. I also got a chance to catch up with a couple of friends while there which was really nice. The drive there and back was a bit of a drama as my dog and her 4 three week old pups came as well, so we had to stop halfway to let them feed, which made the trip a bit longer than usual.

My sisters and I divided all the cooking this year, as its getting to hard for mum, so I did all the meat dishes, one sister all the baking and the other sister did all the odds and ends. It made it for an interesting meal commenting on everyones cooking and a few disasters, we are swapping the cooking lists next year so we all get a turn at trying all things so the traditional Christmas meal does not go astray

I didn’t have any attacks at all, but was very tired each night with all the socialising, and I must say I was glad to get back home on Boxing Day. A friends grown son came back with us and stayed for 4 days so that was spent doing the hostess thing.

I didn’t do anything for New Years but I normally don’t so that wasn’t a problem, I was enjoying the kids stories and photos of their nights out. Then Chloe had her birthday on the 4th Jan and it was great to have her here for that. She went back home today ready to start work again tomorrow.

I started back at work last Thursday, it was nice to have a 2 day week when first getting back, had gotten used to being slack after nearly 2 weeks off, then back to it again tomorrow night.

Well its 2008 and I have plans of making a more positive year in various areas, number one is doing some social things to get to meet some people, I haven’t decided what yet, but I will have a look around in the local paper to find what is going on. I feel like I can face people now that I have at least something to talk about - work - cause I haven’t done anything else worth talking about, and I am sure they don’t want to hear about my Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks :)
I also want to spend some time and money in redecorating my house, I have made a small start where I have painted a feature wall

3 Responses to “The Holidays Are Over”

  1. Robert on January 18th, 2008 6:15 pm

    Happy new year Ruby!

    Ok, so I know we’re well into the new year, but it’s the 1st time I’ve posted a comment to you this year, so I think it’s deserved.

    Anyhow, your description of your holiday activities painted a very enjoyable picture indeed. It’s good to see you in such a positive frame of mind. Improvements cannot fail to follow! I look forward to reading about them.

    As always, Marie & I have you in our thoughts.

    Best wishes.

  2. Free from Anxiety on December 14th, 2008 1:50 am

    Excellent content here and a nice writing style too - keep up the great work!

  3. Ruby on February 25th, 2009 12:56 pm


    I have been without internet for a while, but I am back now :)