August 24, 2007

My Laptop

Can’t believe I have been so sick for nearly two weeks now, and only managing the most of 3 hours sleep between coughing fits.

Went to the docs on Monday and got some antibiotics, which have started to kick in. I’m not feeling so tired and lethargic any more, but the cough is still there and probably will be for at least another week.

Since I have been so sick and not spending much time on the puter I decided that I would clean my laptop keyboard thoroughly. So I took of all the keys and cleaned it properly, then 5 hours later I still had only got about a dozen keys on (sort of). I have done this on my desktop keyboard and it works fine. So I started looking through forums for solutions, I should have read these first as the gist of all of them was - DON’T DO IT…EVER, I wish I had read them first. So I know have had to order another keyboard insert and have to wait for it to arrive by mail.

My laptop is not so portable any more as I have to have a external keyboard plugged into it. I have been so spoilt having wireless broadband and being able to use my laptop anywhere in the house or garden, now I’m stuck at my desk.

So for any of you out there with a laptop and you have stray food etc under the keys, just use the vacuum cleaner, its a much cheaper option.


2 Responses to “My Laptop”

  1. Robert on September 7th, 2007 11:29 am

    My cat ripped off about half of the keys of my laptop, but luckily after much time & effort I was able to put them back on again.

    Then my toddler daughter decided to have a go and took most of them off before being discovered. This time not so lucky - 8 keys wouldn’t go on at all, and one more on but not quite right. Later I was able to reorganise my keyboard parts and now have all the keys I regularly use working ok.

    Marie was not so lucky - my toddler daughter spilled her orange juice on her laptop. Now you can press one key and get a totally different letter/number on the screen! She has been using a USB keyboard until recently when desperation forced her to take it to the repair shop. It’s still there and now she’s monopolising MY laptop!

    So your advice is too late for me!!


  2. Ruby on September 14th, 2007 10:34 pm

    Yes we all learn by our mistakes….ooops
    well mine is finally fixed, I got sick of dragging the USB keyboard around with me, so I didn’t use it all, I must be too spoilt by technology or something :)

August 20, 2007

Chloe Is Off Again

Chloe got accepted for a country position she has always wanted, and very difficult to get in to. I am so pleased for her that she is moving the way she planned in her career.

But I am selfishly disappointed to see her go, I have really enjoyed having her in town for these past few months, and thought that with her permanent position in the city, she would settle here, but her eye was on her goal and she got it. Rory will also miss her terribly, as they get along so well, and have lots of fun together.

But we can go and visit (not too often though as it is 2500km away), and I don’t fly, so it will have to be a long trip with the drive there and back.
Hopefully she will get flown back occasionally for work and we can catch up then.

I am really proud of her getting to where she wanted to be, and at such a young age.

August 18, 2007

On the Mend

I have had a hellish few days with this flu, it doesn’t help that 5 children and 2 adults have died from it in the past month, so it was quiet stressful as well.

I am still not 100% but not in bed 24/7 now, which is a great relief. Actually got up and did some housework and a few loads of washing today. So I will still take it easy for the next few days, but at least I have the energy to do a few things now.


One Response to “On the Mend”

  1. Robert on August 23rd, 2007 12:33 pm

    Glad to learn that you’re feeling better!


August 16, 2007

Sick With The Flu

My mobile phone is broken, it has been playing up for a while not receiving text messages and missed call alerts randomly, now it has gotten much worse. I am not a big user mainly so the kids can reach me, but it is now being missed that I can only receive and make calls which as we all know costs a lot more than texting. Not that the kids notice it much as they use their mobiles as an extension of their arms anyway ;)

Chloe is just getting over her flu and chest infection after three weeks, she has been so sick poor girl, but is finally getting better.
Then Rory started having a sore throat and getting a chest infection a few days ago.
Now I am the lucky owner of it. I hate the flu, but what I hate even more is the non-stop coughing which continuously wakes me during the night, its like I’m sleeping in blocks of between 2-4 hours, so for now I’m just going to concentrate on getting better.

I was going to restart attending the GROW group on Monday now that they have relocated, I spoke to them on Sunday to advice that I would be there in the morning but that didn’t happen with the onset of the flu.

On the bright side Rory has bought his first car, and he is proud as punch, all he needs to do now is to sit for his license so he can drive it on his own.

August 12, 2007

Feeling Depressed Still

I can’t believe how depressed I have been feeling lately, its weird because there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it though I know there has to be, just cant put my finger on it. I have been teary all day today, and that is definitely not like me, the poor kids have copped it all day, but I figure I owe them a bit of misery :)

The weather is going to start fining up soon (they say) so I’ll be able to get outside a bit, it’s terrible when it rains non stop for weeks on end. I think that the rain has a lot to do with how I’m feeling and the ongoing insomnia probably hasn’t helped either.

So the plan is to wake up tomorrow in a brighter mood and take the dog for a walk.


2 Responses to “Feeling Depressed Still”

  1. Robert on August 23rd, 2007 12:30 pm

    Dear Ruby,

    The weather affects how we ALL feel, so don’t worry about your current mood!


  2. Ruby on August 24th, 2007 1:38 pm

    Thanks, still feel like shite but that’s due to the flu now, hopefully when I’m better I will get back on track again.

August 11, 2007


I found this university site where you can do external studies through various Australian Uni’s and spent hours looking through all the computer study options and finally decided on BA of Internet Studies. I phoned up to enrol and they have changed the HECS fees applications so that permanent residents can’t apply for it any more so I have to organise to become a citizen. I applied for HECS a few years ago and there were no restrictions for me then. I got so angry at first that they will support people from other countries that have a study visa, but not for a resident that has a permanent visa makes no sense to me, so I figure they must make more money of people who don’t live in the country. So now I have to wait till next year to enrol….hmmm

I was really disappointed as I was looking forward to getting my teeth into something, but I also believe that everything happens for a reason so I will apply for my citizenship and reapply after that. I also realised that I have been lucky that I haven’t been affected in the last 36 years by not being a citizen.

So now I am going to go through all the practical skills in previous computer courses that I have done to make sure I am up to speed on everything. There is so much that I don’t use on a daily basis that I want to refresh my memory.

So now I have a purpose and something to work towards and that is a really great feeling.


2 Responses to “Univeristy”

  1. Robert on August 23rd, 2007 12:29 pm


    It’s really unfortunate about the uni. But as we all know, life is unfair…

    Btw, what is your original nationality & why did you come to Oz?

    Just being nosy!


  2. Ruby on August 24th, 2007 1:36 pm

    Yes that life is…. but I will look into it again next year.
    I came from North Europe, and my family migrated here when I was 10, so no choice on my part, though I love it here.

August 7, 2007

Chores Lists

I am a bit of an organisational nut, and like a place for everything or it drives me crazy, so I have made up some lists to pick one each day to do house and garden chores as well as pleasant things so we don’t forget about ourselves :) to do on an ongoing basis to keep things up to date as I find that I am not as motivated as I used to be due to the depression and agoraphobia and this keeps me on track.

Everyday Tasks
Pick a project. Each day, do an organizing project that will take a mere 10 minutes or less. Some possibilities are weeding-out a junk drawer or file folder, deleting 10 email messages you don't need, writing-out a bill or two, or cleaning up some of the clutter that's on your bedroom dresser surface.

Measure where you are. Setting goals is great, and definitely something you should do. Each day, check your list of goals to determine how far you've gotten. Mark % next to each goal, such as Goal 1, 10% completed, or Goal 2, 50% completed. Numerical goals are more concrete.

Allocate YOU time. Every day, you should have YOU time scheduled on your calendar. Time you spend on yourself, doing something you truly enjoy doing. Keep this appointment with yourself, just as you would any other important appointment.

Do something on tomorrow's to-do list. Use 15 minutes each night to start and/or complete something you have listed on tomorrow's to-do list. When tomorrow arrives, you'll already be ahead of schedule.

Stop paper before it starts. Open your mail over the recycle container and immediately dump all junk before it ever has a chance to hit your kitchen table.

Take notes and make lists. The average person has too much to remember on a daily basis to remember it all without writing it down.

Take a moment to think. Each time you're asked to do something force yourself to say, 'I'll have to check my schedule and get back to you. You'll have a little bit of time to determine if this is something you truly want to do or if it fits into your schedule. Then be strong with yourself and them whether it’s a yes or no.

Don't wait until later. Don't wait for something to get completely out of hand before you begin focusing on it. File papers on a daily basis and put your outerwear into the coat closet rather than first tossing it over a chair.

Personal Tasks
Evaluate the goals you set at the beginning of the month to check your progress. If you've completed all of them, set three new ones.

Be sure you have YOU time scheduled on your calendar every single day this month--at least 30 minutes or more to do something you really love to do.

Take the day off and do absolutely nothing. No fooling!

Pamper yourself with a pedicure

Try a new haircut, trendy nail polish colour. If you like it, then great. If not, that's OK--no permanent harm done and at least you can say you gave it a whirl.

Pay someone a compliment today

Remember that it is OK to say 'No' sometimes

Do something fun with someone you love, and while you're at it, do something nice for yourself.

Go to a dancing or exercise class

Learn Feng Shui

Write a letter to a relative who lives out-of-state. It's always fun to receive a letter, versus a bill, in the mail.

Say 'thanks, but I can't make it' to the next invitation you get that you don't want to attend.

Look up an old friend you haven't communicated with in awhile. Call or write a letter to catch up.

Call a friend who you haven’t talked to in a while. Tell them you miss them.

Sign up for something that will keep you healthy, such as water aerobics, a walking club, tennis or badminton lessons

Write a letter to someone you had a falling out with a while ago and try to make amends.

Call at least one person you've been meaning to call for months.

If you can't remember the last time you purchased a new outfit, treat yourself with one this month.

Exercise your mind by memorizing all the words of a song you enjoy

Reconsider renewing your subscription if you're already overextended in your reading goals.

Go to the beach and read a book.

Keep a journal of the fun things done on these lists.

Dance to favourite music.

Have a long candlelit bath.

Take your dog for a walk.

Get tickets to go see a professional sports game.

Go bowling with a group of your friends.

Go bird watching around your neighbourhood.

Go to a theatre, play, concert or a movie.

Go to the races or dogs.

Go to a museum, a historic building like an old church maybe, the library or the observatory

Play board game, do a crossword or a jigsaw.

Learn a language that you have been wanting to

Learn how to decoupage, so you can make your own pretty organizing containers for storage

Go to a garden park and have a picnic, collect things for craft while you are there maybe spray with hairspray and make a display.

Do a craft like basketry, redoing antiques, pottery, candle making or quilting.

Do something fun you haven't done in awhile, such as bowling, miniature golf or roller-skating

Go for a country drive to or take a bus tour

Cleaning Tasks
Thoroughly clean one of your appliances, such as your blender, food processor or indoor grill.

Dust off all of the picture frames and artwork in your home

Toss any old bed sheets and pillowcases, and buy your self a new set or two.

Is there a space between your kitchen cabinets and your ceiling? If so, dust that surface off with a feather duster.

Organize two dresser drawers, eliminating anything that no longer fits. And give to charity, family or friends

Clean out the drawers in your refrigerator. Completely empty them out, wipe them down thoroughly.

Iron clothing that need to be ironed before you wear them. Hang them in your closet.

Clean the tile grout in your bathroom and kitchen. Re-grouting if necessary.

Change any light bulbs that have burned out weeks ago, but you've never gotten around to doing.

Deep clean your shower and make it sparkle

Replace any old bath towels, with fresh new ones. Use the old ones for cleaning purposes.

Start making a 'spring cleaning' list of chores you want done around the house. When spring arrives, you'll be all set to begin.

Which room is most disorganized? Concentrate on clearing that one room only for the next few weeks. By the end of the month, it will be your most organized in the house

Clean under your refrigerator, oven and any other large appliances if possible.

Toss any food in your refrigerator that is past the expiration date.

Empty your cutlery trays and wipe them clean. If they're dishwasher safe, just toss them in on the next cycle.

Weed out clothes that no longer fit, so you have room for a new outfit or two, and donate them all to charity, family or friends

Dust and clean any framed art. (Important Note: Don't spray cleanser or water onto the glass. Instead, dampen a cloth to wipe the glass and the frames.)

Make a list of any outside repair work that needs to be done. Then, make an appointment with yourself, your spouse or a local contractor to fix at least one

Scrub down the toilet, including under the rim and the base. More than one bathroom? Ask your spouse or one of the kids to scrub down the other toilet.

Do a small 'outdoor' repair you've been meaning to get to.

Dust off all the windowsills in your home and office.

Clean all of your windows, inside and out.
Or, glance in your local Yellow Pages and find a professional window cleaner to do the job for you.

Catch up on ironing. Invest an hour or two, it will be worth it to have everything in your closet ready to be worn

Clean your closet from top to bottom. Empty it out completely. Give to charity. Wrap rubber bands around each end of your hangers to prevent strappy items slipping off.

Weed out your pantry. Donate any unopened, non-perishable foods that you never plan to eat to a local food bank

Get rid of any crayon marks, scuff marks, and soap scum in a jiffy.

Turn your mattress over or rotate it to prevent compression. If you have a no turn mattress, then take off the bedding and just let it air out all day.

Drag all of your garbage bins into your driveway and clean them well. Since you can use the garden hose, it's a much easier task when done outdoors.

Clean out your oven. Use a fume free oven cleaner.

Leftover candle wax in your glass candle holders? Try putting them in your freezer for a few hours. When you remove them, you should be able to pop the wax right out.

Organisational Tasks

Peruse your bookshelves and bring any unwanted reads over to a charity

Are you meeting your goals as planned? Make changes now.

Evaluate your eating habits. Are you mostly eating healthy

Organize your tools—in boxes or boards

Cosmetics only last one year. Look through your current lot & throw out any old one

Put a small notebook and pen by each phone.

Plow through a box of old paperwork at the office or

Recycle old magazines.

Gather all the umbrellas in your hang them on hooks, store one in the car.

Get pre-printed address labels to use for your mail or make them on your PC

Go through your cookbooks and give away to charity.

Add some hand lotion near your sink it will encourage you

Update the address book on your cell & home phone.
Print out any photos you wish to place in albums, photo boxes or scrapbooks.
Take an inventory of your home office supplies and replenish any that are running low

Free up space on your PC, by deleting files you don’t need

Update your resume' if you haven't done so in awhile.

Take an inventory of next seasons clothes. You'll know whether you have enough for the season

Fill a small pouch to put batteries in. Next time you'll have a replacement in a jiffy.

Do you have small gifts in the house. Store them together, and check this stock before you buy your next gift.

Are you behind in reading your mail? Set aside time today to catch up

Set a timer and spend 60 minutes weeding out your filing cabinet.

Add a few glass shelves to your bathroom wall

Fill a pretty vase with artificial flowers. When you get fresh flowers, just swap

Use a spiral notebook, to jot down any titbits or web sites you'd like to visit.

When organizing the kitchen, don’t forget the back doors. There are organizers to store rolls of wrap and container lids.

Defrag your computer. If it is not on your schedule, try to defrag your computer once a month.

Organize all of your shoes onto a shoe rack or into shoe cubbies.

Update your spice collection. Toss all those that are beyond their expiration dates. Purchase fresh spices as needed.

Refill any empty toilet paper rolls, tape dispensers, cereal containers, paper towel rolls and anything else that needs refilling.

Paint your garden tools in bright colours so they'll be easy to spot when you put them down.

Get rid of those frayed, spent towels and replace them with fresh, new ones.

Take some family photos, if you haven't in awhile. Print and insert them into an album or scrapbook.

Do some early Christmas shopping

Buy a few generic gifts – candles, gift vouchers, hand lotion, kids' games and. You will have them ready.

Stock up on any necessities you're running out of, such as toilet paper, tissues or batteries.

Taking a vacation? Use the Internet to begin researching destinations, attractions and so on.

Go shopping for an organizing tool, such as a container with compartments or some shelves.

Try to learn at least one new thing each day. Buy yourself a notebook and jot down your findings.

Have a notebook for restaurants you've visited. Keep name, phone,

If you plan to walk, get yourself a good pair of sneakers.

Get a tote bag. Add articles or business publications. Take it when you leave and read during waiting times,

Learn something you have been meaning to, and look it up on the Internet at the library.

Try to learn at least one new thing each day. Buy yourself a notebook and jot down your findings.

Make daily activity logs each day for a week to see where you are spending/ wasting your time.

Miscellaneous Tasks

Create a list of 21 favourite meals,

Think of someone, that you'd like to invite over for dinner.

Organize an 'appetizers and beverages' outing with your friends.

Visit a local farmer’s market and check out all the fruits and vegies in season.

Did you know that peppermint is diffused in offices in Japan to help keep workers alert?

Plant dill and parsley in your garden or container garden. You'll attract lots of butterflies.

Fill up the bird feeders to attract feathered-friends to your yard.

Read the local newspaper to find what's going on in your town

Watch one of the movies in your video/DVD collection, even if you've seen it before.

Do gardening or work in the back yard.

Do something fun, such as a family picnic in the living room, a games night or family karaoke.

Try something new you've never done before, such as making your own piecrust or crocheting a scarf

Come up with an emergency escape plan for your house. Have drills quarterly.

Paint one room in your home that could use a makeover.

Try something new, such as going line dancing.

Declaring a game night each month. Have each family member write his or her game choice on an index card. Then draw one each month.

Take your pet(s) in for checkups and/or grooming.

Bring your car in for an oil change and a maintenance check.

Volunteer to do something for a friend, at your church or for your favourite charity

Did you know that under inflated tires waste more than two million gallons of gasoline a day? Check your tyres

Visit your local garden shop for seeds or starter plants.

Make an appointment for each member of your family for an annual doctor's check up.

2 Responses to “Chores”

  1. Sarah on August 7th, 2007 6:24 pm


    I am LOVING this post, its absolutely fantastic!
    All i need now is a big stick of dynamite up my backside to get me moving… :)

    Have a good day,


  2. Ruby on August 7th, 2007 9:01 pm

    Hi Sarah
    I’m really glad you got something out of it, it is really helping me at the moment - hope you find some dynamite :)

House Recipes

I try to stay away from chemical cleaners and have added some recipes below to non chemical cleaners and most of them work better that bought ones as well.


Bicarbonate Of Soda
It softens water to increase the suds and cleaning power of soap and is a good scouring powder

Cleans and deodorises, is an excellent disinfectant and softens water

Cuts grease and freshens

For stains of unknown origin, or stains which have dried, try a dab of eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus is also good for removing some glue stains, chewing gum residue and sticky substances.

Cloudy Ammonia
Cuts heavy grease and grime but it can be dangerous. Fumes irritate eyes and lungs and can be harmful to people with respiratory problems. Use ammonia only when other cleaners won’t do the trick, and always provide good ventilation. NEVER!! mix ammonia with bleach. Highly toxic fumes can form


Rinsing dishes before food residue hardens makes cleaning them easier and uses less detergent. Add vinegar for really tough, baked-on grease. I add vinegar straight into my dishwashing liquid as it leaves dishes squeaky clean

Burnt Pots And Pans
Coat the area with a thick paste of bicarb and water and leave for several hours before washing. If its only mildly burnt you can boil water and bicarb in the pan for 5 mins before cleaning off
Put half an inch of vinegar in the bottom of it then put it in the freezer. Once the vinegar has frozen, let it thaw and sprinkle it with bicarbonate soda. When the liquid starts fizzing rub it with a brush and the stain will come out. You can do the same without freezing but it will probably take a couple of applications. The same trick works for baked on grease.

Cutting Boards – To Remove Smells
Pour a little vinegar over the cutting board. Let it set for a minute or two, then wipe and rinse. Alternatively use mouthwash or toothpaste as a deodoriser.

Cleaning Air Filters And Fridge Shelves
Submerse in a mixture of water, soap and vinegar and let soak for a few hours then clean off and rinse with hot water

Prevent baked-on grease: scrape up spills as soon as they’re cold enough to handle.
Keep a baking tray on the bottom rack to catch drips and spills
When accidents happen, combine a strong version of our Heavy Duty Cleanser 1
Wear gloves when scrubbing to protect your hands.

Oven Racks
Get a large enough rubbish bag and put in a mix of warm water, detergent and a cup of Cloudy Ammonia (Wear gloves and do this in a well ventilated area or outdoors) Put the racks in the bag and close up and leave for a few hours. Clean them off and rinse with hot water.

Prevent Smelly Bins
Sprinkle 1/4 cup each of borax and bicarbonate of soda into the bottom of the empty bin.

Unpleasant odours may be dealt with by placing 1/2-cup baking soda in the sink followed by 1 cup of vinegar. Let it foam and bubble, then run hot water for at least 30 seconds or longer. Vinegar is used to kill bacteria causing bad smells.
If you have two sinks, plug one side before commencing the procedure. Also try this method if a clog happens.

Wipe or spray vinegar onto the mould, leave overnight and scrub in the morning.

Sticky Labels
Use eucalyptus oil to help remove stubborn labels and label residue from your glassware. Simply rub on, leave for a short time and should come off easily.

Bathroom & Toilet

Use a firm bristled brush with bicarb and hot water as alternative.
It cleans and deodorises.

Basins And Bathtubs
Unpleasant odours may be dealt with by placing 1/2-cup baking soda in the sink followed by 1 cup of vinegar. Let it foam and bubble, then run hot water for at least 30 seconds or longer. Vinegar is used to kill bacteria causing bad smells.
If you have two sinks, plug one side before commencing the procedure. Also try this method if a clog happens.

Wipe or spray vinegar onto the mould, leave overnight and scrub in the morning.

For routine cleaning, use 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 litre of warm water.
To dry surfaces, use cheesecloth or crumpled newspaper.

Try a strong solution of vinegar.
Apply a thick paste of borax and lemon juice to stubborn areas. Leave for several hours.


Rub soiled clothes with liquid soap.

Bleach - Use ½ cup borax per wash to whiten and brighten colours

Fabrics Softener - Add ½ cup vinegar or ¼ cup bicarb during final rinse.

Static Cling - To reduce static cling in tumble-dried synthetics like rayon or polyesters, dampen hands when folding.

Dry-Cleaning - Try to buy items that don’t require dry-cleaning. Many garments labelled “dry clean only” can be safely hand-washed using mild soap to avoid dry-cleaning solvents that are toxic

Deodorant Stains On Fabric
Make a paste out of Napisan Plus to the consistency of peanut butter. Rub it onto the stains and leave for 15-20 minutes then throw in the washing machine without rinsing the mixture off

Grease On Fabric
Apply a little baby oil to the stain with a cotton ball, rubbing in circles. Then soak in Napisan and hot water before washing as usual.

Washing Machine
Clean throughout including hosing by ½ filling with hot water and placing 2 Dishwasher tablets in and run through the cycle.


For routine cleaning, use 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 litre of warm water. To dry surfaces, use reusable cheesecloth or crumpled newspaper. If the glass is especially dirty, first wash with warm soapy water.

Carpets & Furniture

When buying carpet, choose natural materials such as cotton and wool over synthetics.
Buy rugs and carpets that haven’t been treated with insecticides and fungicides.
When rugs are cleaned, make sure no pesticides are used.
Avoid commercial products containing chlorine, formaldehyde and solvents such as trichloroethylene, methylene and nitrobenzene
To thoroughly clean and deodorise carpets, mix 2 parts corn meal (Polenta) with 1 part borax. Sprinkle liberally; leave one hour and then vacuum.
Quick deodorising is easy - sprinkle the carpet with bicarb then vacuum.

Dogs Urine Smell In Carpet
Remove the smell of dog urine from carpet by sprinkling a 500g packet of bicarb soda over the spot. If a very large area, use 2 packets and sprinkle thickly over area. Leave for 24 hrs before vacuuming up.

Furniture That Dogs Sits On
Use Bran and Vinegar. Mix about a cup of unprocessed wheat bran in a bowl with a little vinegar to the consistency of brown sugar and add a couple of drops of lavender. The mixture must not be wet. Sweep the mixture back and forth across the surface you want to clean and the dirt comes away.


There are two main kinds of ants; one is attracted to proteins and the other to sugars.
To find out which you have put out some Parmesan cheese and some icing sugar. If the ants go for the cheese then they like protein and fats; and if they attack the sugar then they like sugar. Mix whichever is the preferred food half and half with borax and leave out where their trails are.
Try sprinkling either talcum powder or borax
A paste made of boiling two cups of sugar with one cup of water and two tablespoons of borax. Or
Try sprinkling a few crumbled bay leaves on windowsills each month.

Blow Flies
You can ward off blow flies by growing basil in pots nearby entrances.

Recipes For Cleansers And Deodorisers

Heavy Duty Cleanser 1
4 litres hot water
¼ cup cloudy ammonia
1 tablespoon bicarbonate of soda
Mix together. For a stronger mixture, double all the ingredients except water.

Heavy Duty Cleanser 2
2 tablespoons borax
1 teaspoon soap
1 litre water
This can be stored in a spray bottle.

Hospital Quality Disinfectant
Use ¼ cup borax dissolved in 2 litres hot water. Keeping surfaces clean and dry reduces the need for disinfectants.

Natural Disinfectant & Air Freshener
You can make your own natural disinfectant.
Dissolve 30 drops of Lemon or Tee Tree essential oil (oil) in 1 teaspoon of methylated spirits. Mix in one litre of distilled water and store in an airtight glass bottle.

Clover & Malt Vinegar
You can make a spicy room deodorizer by filling a bowl or open container with malt vinegar and a teaspoon of ground clover

Apple & Cinnamon
Boil water, an apple and some cinnamon in a pot. Let the aroma fill the house with a pleasant smell. Leave on stovetop until ready to throw out

Sprinkle cinnamon on aluminium foil and place it in a hot oven with the oven door open. As the cinnamon heats, the cinnamon will permeate the house. Alternative place cinnamon (add cloves if you wish) in cheesecloth bag and boil the cheesecloth bag

A Long Time Between Psych Visits

I saw my psych again today, first time in five weeks. I have had a crappy few weeks with sleeping patterns and feeling a bit depressed, but still doing better than I have in the past year. This visit we talked about changing one of my thought patterns - I don’t have any problems doing things for other people, but don’t make the effort for myself. Maybe its being a mother and wife and being so used of always putting others first, that we forget about ourselves.

If one of my family members or a place of work asks me to do something, I will jump in and do it straight away without a second thought. But when it is things like walking to the shops or catching a bus to recover from agoraphobia I can’t get motivated enough to do anything. I don’t know why I have this attitude that I am not important enough to warrant effort and I suppose it doesn’t really matter where it originated from. So for this month my task is to changed my thought process that I am worthy of change in the long term and that everything I do is to make me a better and mentally healthier person.

This will be a hard one as I have obviously always thought this way and it will take a real conscious daily effort - will let you know how I get on.

We also talked about things we have and don’t have control of and which ones are blurred. Since its been raining for nearly 3 weeks now we talked about how I don’t have control of the rain, but how I can control how I think of it and the options I can use to work around it. Another example was how we don’t have control of how other people behave or act, but we have control over how we interact with them to make it a better experience.

She believes that I am doing really well and have all the skills I need to recover and that it is now up to me to put these skills into practice and reinforce them on a daily or weekly basis. This is a bit scary as I find it easier to do things when I know I have to report back to her (pleasing others again..) than to just do them for myself. I only have two visits left with her so I will see her monthly for these last ones.

Strange how others can see strengths in us that we aren’t that confident in, I suppose that I don’t feel that confident this week as I have had a bit of depressing run, but I will get there…eventually :). One great thing is that my anxiety level has definitely lowered since starting this therapy and that I am very grateful for.


2 Responses to “A Long Time Between Psych Visits”

  1. Elizabeth Deur on February 20th, 2009 10:46 am


    I am diagnosed with panic disorder and agoraphobia but I actually havent left my home in 2 years with exception to go the dr and that can only be with my safety person and on xanax (a block away) lately I am more anxious than ever in my life and even just sitting at home. I have suffered with this for over 10 years and it will come and go and I have been on various methods of treatment none to be extremely beneficial or not have lasting side effects.The only thing I take now is an occassional xanax which doesnt help too much.I believe my symptoms are worse due to being premenapausal. can anyone give me advice or help walk me throught this I am panicking as Iwrite.

  2. Ruby on February 26th, 2009 9:00 am

    Welcome Elizabeth

    I know exactly how you feel, my current backslide was due to menopause starting, personally I find doing progressive relaxation tapes and meditation really beneficial in lessening my anxiety. I was housebound for 6 months, and then 4 months this time round - 2 years is such a long time.

    I don’t have a support person unfortunately, so I have to really push myself to go to places I really need to like doctors and chemist, the more I do it the easier it gets but I am still very limited in the places I can get to.

    Chatting about it all on here really helps me to, as I feel I am making myself accountable in my attempts to get to places. I hope you stay around and chat with us, check my blog roll as well as there are many of us out there, what works for one doesn’t always for another.

    I’m glad you left this comment, and I hope to chat again soon :)

August 6, 2007

A Travel Book

Chloe had gone travelling for a year and came back 6 months ago, during this time she had sent some great comical emails about what she saw and did. After being home I realised that as much as her memories will always be with her, she didn’t have anything tangible of her travels.

I retyped all her emails and added photos relevant to the place she was and made her a 48 page book with room for her to add more photos if she wishes too. She was so happy with what I had done to keep her memories alive.

She was so happy with this book that it got me thinking how we are so overtaken by materialism and spending lots of $$$$ to make our friends and family happy, when it all it takes is a bit of thought and a few hours… I hope I can take on board this as well and maybe take up bit of craft for x-mas presents.


2 Responses to “A Travel Book”

  1. Robert on August 6th, 2007 7:22 pm

    The best christmas present I ever got was from my 4 oldest girls. They had got together and made a collage from photos in our family albums. They then got the collage framed.

    The gift cost them very little in financial terms, but the thought and time that they put into it made it very, very special.


  2. Ruby on August 7th, 2007 3:22 pm

    Yes totally agree, a thought is much more precious than someone spending half an hour at a store.
    I decoupaged my sisters Christmas plates last year for them to use each year. I am now in the process of working out what to make this year for everyone.

August 1, 2007


I’ve had a terrible time with insomnia this week, not getting to sleep before the sun rises and napping through the day trying to rejuvenate then dragging myself up just in time for when Rory finishes work. So needless to say that it has been a very uneventful week besides visitors flying out last night.

The negativity and irrational thoughts really set in when not getting enough sleep over a period of time, so have been trying to deal with that and telling myself that it is only the lack of sleep and not buying into the negativity, but still have been feeling depressed. Finally got a good nights sleep last night with a solid seven hours, I feel partially human today.

I have always suffered with insomnia, it can take me hours to fall asleep, but luckily once I am asleep I am out for the count. I really feel for the sufferers that have broken sleep on a regular basis, I think that would be much worse.

It has been raining constantly for nearly two weeks now, which is great for the dams, but I don’t think it helps the depressed feeling

2 Responses to “Insomnia….Grrrr”

  1. Robert on August 2nd, 2007 12:09 am

    Hi Ruby!

    No insomnia here! The opposite, in fact - can’t get enough time to get things done & when I get to bed, I’m totally unconscious in about 30 secs. (Not so good for my love life, though!)

    No rain here! Wall-to-wall sunshine. SUCH a change from the last 2 months. Enjoying it, ‘cos it might not last!

    Shit might be happening all around you, but you have got to grateful for the good things. Yes, I’m in positive thinking mode…


  2. Ruby on August 3rd, 2007 3:54 am

    Oh you lucky thing, it would be heaven to fall asleep so quickly.